PinnedMark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginAbout Me StoriesLefties and MeGoing Left (and further left)Apr 94Apr 94
PinnedMark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginCrow’s FeetThose Low Down, Nasty, Good-For-Nothing Covid BluesSing Them BluesFeb 294Feb 294
PinnedMark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginIn My LifeHead Talks: We Know What You Had For BreakfastHow I Pissed Off a U.S. MarshalMar 33Mar 33
PinnedMark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginThirty over FiftyRalph Waldo Got It Right“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.Mar 614Mar 614
PinnedMark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photogTremé — The SeriesA twinkle in its eyeMar 712Mar 712
Mark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginLearning MomentsYou’ve Published. Congrats!!!Now You’re Reading the Reviews? Why?Jul 61Jul 61
Mark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginAbout Me StoriesWork, Sleep, RepeatLearning to Show Up Every DayJun 121Jun 121
Mark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginAbout Me StoriesLearning to TrustAfter a Life of DistrustMay 267May 267
Mark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginCrow’s FeetMy TimeWhen it’s time, it’s timeMay 2523May 2523
Mark Shaiken - author | retired lawyer | photoginAbout Me StoriesSundays are Tuesdays . . . Or was that Fridays?Knowing the Day in Retirement — Avoiding the “Look”May 141May 141